Floriano De Rango is Full Professor of Telecommunication and Networking at Department of Computer, Modeling, Electronic and Systems Engineering (DIMES) of the University of Calabria, Italy. He received the degree in Computer engineering in October 2000, and a Ph.D. in electronics and communications engineering in January 2005, both at the University of Calabria, Italy. From January 2000 to October 2000 he worked in the Telecom Research LAB C.S.E.L.T. in Turin as visiting scholar student. From March 2004 to November 2004 he was visiting researcher at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA). From November 2004 until September 2007 he has been a Research Fellow in the D.E.I.S. Department. From October 2007 to October 2017 he has been Assistant Prof. at DIMES Depet., University of Calabria. In 2017 he got the position of Associate Professor at the same University.
In Dec. 2020 he has been ranked in the Top 2% Computer Science World Scientist according to clarivate https://data.
He was recipient of Young Researcher Award in 2007. He served as reviewer and TPC member for many International Conferences such as IEEE VTC, ICC, WCNC, Globecom, Med Hoc Net, SPECTS, WirelessCOM, WinSys and reviewer for many journals such as IEEE Communication Letters, JSAC, IEEE Trans.on Vehicular Technology, Computer Communication, Eurasip JWCN, WINET etc. He was recipient of Young Researcher Award in 2007 for a Project on Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) called ATENA (Autoconfiguring inTelligent vEhicular Network for urban Area). His interests include Satellite networks, IP QoS architectures, Adaptive Wireless Networks, Ad Hoc Networks, Pervasive Computing and Internet of Things (IoT). He has been involved in the organization of many conferences in the following roles: Program Chair of Ambysis Conference in 2009, track chair in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks in Wireless Telecommunications Symposium (WTS) 2011, Program chair in Simulation and Performance Evaluation in Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS) 2013-2014, track-chair of the Wireless Networks track in Wireless Days 2013, vice-General Chair in Summer Simulation Conference (SCS) 2015, track-chair of Wireless Communications track in Consumer Communication and Networking Confererence (CCNC) 2015 in Las Vegas, General Chair of Summer Simulation Conference (SCS) 2016 in Montreal, Program Chair of Simultech 2017 in Madrid, Program Chair of Distributed Simulation and Real Time (DS-RT) 2018 in Madrid, Program Chair of Simultech 2018 in Porto, Portugal, General Chair of Distributed Simulation and Real Time (DS-RT) 2019 in Rende (CS), Italy, Program Chair in Simultech 2020 in France (on-line streaming), Program chair of Distributed Simulation (DS-RT) 2020 in Prague, Czech Republic, Tutorial Chair in Consumer Communication and Networking Conference (CCNC) 2020 in Las Vegas, General Chair of Simultech 2021 (from remore in on-line steaming), Program Chair of Distributed Simulation and Real-Time (DS-RT) 2021 in Valencia, Spain, Program Chair in Wireless Days 2021 in Paris, France. He was General Chair of Simultech Conference in 2022 and 2023. He was Program Chair of MsWim 2023 in Montreal, Canada and General Chair of IEEE ICT-DM 2023 in Cosenza, Italy.
He co-authored till now more than 320 papers in International Conferences and Journals. He is associated editor of ACM Computing Surveys. He is also in the Review Board of some international Journals such as in the International Journal of Communications Systems (Wiley), in Internet Technology Letters (Wiley), in Sensors Journal (Internet of Things section)(MDPI), in International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks (Hindawi), in International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting (Hindawi), ), in International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation, in Electronics (Network – section) (MDPI).
Edited by: Floriano De Rango
ISBN 978-953-7619-70-1, Hard cover, 500 pages
Publisher: InTech
Publication date: February 2010
Free Available on line athttp://www.intechopen.com/books/show/title/digital-video