Book Chapters

  1.  A.Serianni, F. De Rango, “Application Layer Protocols for Internet of Things,” in Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 2022, 289, pp. 535–558.
  2. F. De Rango, N. Palmieri, M. Tropea, “Multirobot coordination through bio-inspired strategies,” in Nature-Inspired Computation and Swarm Intelligence, Book chapter, Academic Press, 2020, pp.361-390.
  3. V. Inzillo, F. De Rango, L. Zampogna, A.A. Quintana, “Smart Antenna Systems Model Simulation Design for 5G Wireless Network Systems,” in Array Pattern Optimization, In TechOpen Book chapter, 2018, pp.1-21.
  4. A.F. Santamaria, P. Raimondo, N. Palmieri, M. Tropea, F. De Rango, “Cooperative Video-Surveillance Framework in Internet of Things (IoT) Domain,” in The Internet of Things for Smart Urban Ecosystems, Book Springer Chapter, 2019, pp.305-331.
  5. F.De Rango, M.Tropea, P.Fazio, “Multimedia Traffic and Video Distribution over Broadband Wireless Networks,” chapter for Digital Video“, In-Tech Edition, 2010, ISBN 978-3-902613-44-8.
  6. F.De Rango, A.Malfitano, “Cross –Layer QoS Architecture: The WiMax point of view,” book chapter (ch.4) in “Quality of Service Architectures for Wireless Networks, Performance Mettrics and Management,” an IGI Publication, 2010, pp.57-85.
  7. F.De Rango, A.Malfitano, “Cross –Layer based end-to-end QoS Mechanisms: The Milestone of WiMax,” chapter (ch.5) on WiMAX Security and Quality of Service: Providing an End to End Explanation book, Wiley edition, 2010, pp.111-144, ISBN-978-0-470-72197-1.
  8. M.Fotino, F.De Rango,Energy Issues and Energy aware Routing in Wireless Ad-hoc Networks,” chapter (ch.15) for Theory and Application of Ad Hoc Networks, In-Tech Edition, pp.281-296, ISBN: 978-953-307-402-3.
  9. F.De Rango, A.Socievole, “Meta-heuristics Techniques and Swarm Intelligence in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs),” chapter (ch.11) for Theory and Application of Ad Hoc Networks, In-Tech Edition, pp.255-274, ISBN: 978-953-307-416-0.